Monday, 23 August 2010


Morning - Monday is here again...
Had a nice long weekend - went to the coast with Archie on Monday - he loved it....and then he had his sausage from the fish and chip shop as his treat...
Then went to Bedford with Emily - not too good there though - she had a bad run...but hey ho - happens to us all...dust yourself off, and go again...though easy for me to say....
Today's card made a card for a lady at work...Love this Mo Manning image.
Love those wellies and suitcase....
Added the usual hint of glossy accents - and wow - no glitter in sight...must be a first for me...
Tomorrow it's GCSE exam result in our house....feel sorry for Bex - as throughout her life so far she has always done well - and people now just expect it of her....and she has goofed she said in these exams as she went to pieces...fingers crossed that she did ok as she sooo wants to be a lawyer...will let you know Wed as will send my posting before results are out...
Have a good Monday - off to see Mother in Law.....need I say more!.....


  1. Fab card Sarah - and nice that it's personalised! How'd you do that? And GOOD LUCK to Bex (know that feeling only too well with two daughters) - will keep my fingers crossed too! x

  2. Fantastic card Sarah! Love the glossy accents on the suitcase and rain boots! Keepin' my fingers crossed for you ~jeni :)

  3. So gorgeous card Sarah,I love the image and the colours.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  4. Great Sarah - love the case and boots. Great image for a moving house card too!

    I hope your Daughter does well in her exams. I was such a worrier at school and hated exams but I am sure she will be fine.

    Love Kerry xxx

  5. Great card Sarah, I love the glossy accents on this card. It reminds me of when I was little and used to pack my bag to leave home. I used to sit on the top step because I wasn't allowed out onto the pavement on my own.

    I hope Emily keeps her chin up and Bex has good results tomorrow. :-) xx
