Wednesday, 11 August 2010


Well that's a rubbish photo - sorry - pity you can't see me stood high on a chair trying to look WOYWW I will end up in A & E!..
No drink on my desk this week sorry and ate my choccie bar and removed the evidence before the photo................
Starting to make a calendar for next year....will take a while - but gotta do it.

Oh you can see a Take That CD i spy there and ummm...Oh and the start of January for my calendar...sorry folks - very uninteresting...will try harder next week promise



  1. Hi Hun
    oh you are organised starting your calender now, i cheat n do mine on me comp, just add some digi pics. Have great day, sue,x

  2. love the angle of the view, allowing us to look straight down on the desk so we can see a little more, I felt a little like I was on one of those roller coasters but great anyway
    oh and great idea for the calendar - lol to Sue but I buy mine :)
    Kate xx

  3. Looks pretty interesting to me. I had a really good snoop. And at least I can get my head around a calendar. Just can't think about Christmas cards in this heat! Happy WOYWW..

  4. Gosh your organised, calender in August! Glad thanks for the snoop. Lynne xx

  5. oh how organsised are you hun,thanks for the snoop,hugs cheryl xxx

  6. Love to see you starting your calendar - is that a lot of work? I want to start one but mine will run from October to October I think. Looks really interesting - look forward to seeing progression.

  7. Oh what a fab idea, get the calenders out the way now.. maybe that will be my next project

  8. I like the downward view too - but not at the price of a broken leg Sarah - be careful huh! You need to be a willowy 6 foot slender brunette like me, then taking over head shots wouldn't be a danger. And for heane's sake next year's calendar? If I didn't like you so much. I 'd be rude about you.

  9. Glad someone starting early ive got 3 calendars to make .At moment having to put crimbo cards on hold.As i have an order for the new shop in village so busyt busy busy.Hopefully see finished calendar soon
    hugs judex

  10. Looks like a hive of activity to me! I started a calendar last year and still havent finished it - maybe I should get on with that now too! you have also reminded me that someone bought me a Take That cd for last Christmas and I still havent taken it out of the wrapper - wonder where it is?? (this is from the girl who still has a 20 year old cd of Billy Joel in the car and its the only one she plays!). must get out more I think!

  11. Don't know where you are looking missy but I thought that desk was chocca block full of interesting stuff :0)

  12. When I do an aerial shot I just hold the camera about head height over the desk and usually get a pretty good pic - just practice. When I take indoor shots I find they're better with the flash off too.
    Don't worry about spelling mistakes - I always go back and fix mine, but really we don't have time on Wednesdays LOL So if you make any more leave them, unless it makes the post unintelligible :-/
    Anne xx

  13. WAY too tidy but still interesting, lol. Photo's okay - don't worry. Happy WOYWW!

  14. great angle of your desk. i think i would fall out of the window if i tried to take a photo from high up lol

  15. Look busy Sarah! Love your Tilda image in the corner. Love to see your calendar when its done ~jeni :)

  16. I tried doing a desktop calendar last year...was going to do one each for my family for chrimbo, I gave up after Aprils on the 1st one lol.
    Happy woyww hun :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  17. Yes, I have one of those naked chipboard desk calendars waiting to be worked upon, and I think could do that some time soon, but I can't face anything Christmassy yet !


  18. Love to see the calendar when it's ready! :)

  19. Be careful taking your pics!

    I'm very impressed, never got around to make this years calender and it's too late now :)


  20. I love you high up photo!
    I thought about doing a shot like that - but both the chairs in here are revolving ones - not easy to balance AND point the camera in the right direction! hehehe

  21. Aerial view. Great take on the Wednesday challenge.

  22. Just so organised Sarah!!! I usually start well but them everything goes to pot!! lol

    Love Chanelle xx

  23. Hi, I didn't know you could use embossing folders in the red sizzix, you learn something new everyday, just don't tell my hubby as I made him buy me a cuttlebug lol. Amanda

  24. already making a calender, you are busy!! make good secret Santa pressies!!Have a fabulous woyww!!

  25. Watch out you might break an arm taking those pics, never worry about the legs! thanks for the snoop,

  26. Get that calendar done and you might not be a Stressed Stamper anymore. Ha Ha!

  27. Great view of your workspace, love it!


  28. Very Interesting !! Stuff going on and that's what we like to see !

  29. You bring me in a Christmas mood with all those stars and snowflakes!
    Thanks for the snoop at your desk
    have a nice day
    ** Evi **

  30. Ohhh messy desk, yipeee its not just me. Glad your teens are the same as my Jake!!! I breath and its wrong sometimes just now. Sure it will pass!!! mmmm maybe!LOL Hazelxoxo

  31. lovely looking desk there :0)

  32. A lovely busy desk - I wonder if that lottery ticket won anything!

  33. sorry I am late this week thanks for sharing your very busy space :o)

  34. ooo be careful balancing on that chair!

