Wednesday, 18 August 2010


Morning everyone...WOYWW arrived again - come on in and nosey around everyones desks...Not too much going on my desk this week, so showing you my copic and stickles spare stash....when I like something - use it loads - buy extra - cos you can guarantee I will always run out at the wrong time - no where near pay day - or in the middle of the night when I am up crafting...Is it just me - or do others have spares?
Then - you know I always have goodies on my desk - well wow had one of these at work the other day - saved the wrapper on my desk to bring home to take a snap of it - forgot to bring it home - and the cleaner threw had to buy another - not that I like them by the empty packet...They are heavenly sort of like a picnic bar - but with peanut butter and peanuts in the middle...try it....fab.....
Then I thought I would take a pic of my fab chilli's in my greenhouse - there are toms there also...but my chilli's are fab, and now turning red blow your head every Sat night it is homemade pizza's in our household...and this weekend what can be better...X Factor starts again....sorry I am soooo sad.

Toms - I have yellow and orange ones too


................And turning red Rightie ho...thanks for looking...Calendar coming along - well I am on with March....Have a fab WOYWW.
Hugs to to work now.....


  1. Hi Sarah
    great post, i was a brownie always prepared! lol, not seen the chocie bar b4, oh my fav to things pizza n hot chillis, yum yum im coming to you on sat for tea! lol. have great day hun, sue,x

  2. Not nagin nudgin!! you gota be in it to win it!!! Nowt to lose!! lol, have linked you up to WOYWW hun. Do me a fav, can you mail me, i can't find your email here?? You don't want me job history here! lol.xx

  3. loved having a rummage around your crafty space today sarah and look at all those gorgeous stickles....hugs kath xxx

  4. it! you should get more colours


  5. Fab little box of tricks ! Love you flowers !!

  6. great stickles! Don't like peanut butter, but your chillis look fab.

  7. What fab garden produce :-)
    A x

  8. Love your box of stuff - and your chillies and toms. Thanks for sharing - happy WOYWW.

  9. Shucks Sarah, I don't use what I've got, much less extra stash. I would forget I have it if I had an extra stash drawer. Of course, you probably use your stash more than I use mine. Love the chillies and toms, though. My garden has burned up from all the excessive heat and lack of water we've had for several weeks. I see I'm really late to the party today. My internet was down at the wrong time. Happy WOYWW.

  10. Morning Sarah, just love your chillies what variety are they..Love your box of stickles and copics, have your tried the new TH glitter stickles they are fab especially the one called Tiara. Have a lovely day big Hugs

  11. You are such a busy crafting gardener, or is that a gardening crafter?
    Luv Joanne xx

  12. Oh what a shame you had to buy another one, some people have no respect and just check things!! Seriously though, I love the Peanut Butter Cups they!

  13. Love your plant piccys. Lots of stickle, lovely
    Anne x

  14. Hi Sarah, lovely to meet you, oh lots of lovely stuff going on here:D
    Your back up stash is interesting, can't say I have seconds of any thing, maybe I should mmmmm!
    Thanks for sharing the Reeses bar, I'm a bit partial to a bit of choccy myself and your garden looks wonderful full of goodies, you are busy, Thank you for letting me peek:Dxxx

  15. Great idea having spares, I hate running out of my favourites and like you say it is always when you are in the middle of something of just when you don't need it to happen. Love the look of your tomato and chilli plants, well done you. Tracy Evans x

  16. nope I have one of everything and I can never find the things I know I have 'somewhere' so usually end up susing whats at hand - and I am on a resovle to halve my stash before I buy more...(never ever gonna happen!)

  17. the only thing i have hundreds of is double sided tape, in thousands of sizes, hubbie says its a fettish of mine !!!!

    Great drawer though

    big hugs
    judie xx

  18. Yep, I have spares of stuff too, but mainly because I've forgotten I've already bought something. Thanks for letting us have a snoop.

  19. Lots of twinkliness and some lovely pics. You could keep the peanut bar though.. give me a Crunchie any day!

  20. We are sisters I'm sure! I am also just crazy about Reese's products, or anything with peanut butter in it. On holiday in the USA I could get peanut butter ice cream!!

  21. Lovely pile of stickles there and yes I buy extra in case I run out of certain necessities (ink in my case!).

  22. ooooh, love your tub of glittery things! TFS Hugs Juls

  23. I want the stickles or the Reese's??? Tough choice but i would have to go with the stickles. Nice peppers & maters!(thats southern for tomatoes) I wish I had a green thumb. I KILL everything I plant. lol ~jeni :)

  24. extra stash? No not me, it takes me that long to save up I can't afford 2 lol.
    Thanks for the snoop :)
    *hugs* Heather x

  25. oh my love the selection of stickles you have - I am envious. Thanks for the snoop.
    Hugs Kate x

  26. Great pics, spares of fav stuff is a good idea. Happy WOYWW Day.

  27. Love all the stickles, looks like you have most of the colours there. I love that choccie bar as well, anything peanut butter I love. Amanda

  28. Fab stickles and I bet those little Toms will be gorgeous.


  29. Gorgeous goodies, thanks for the nosey around your workspace

  30. Love the chillies too! and I am also a sad partaker of X-Factor you know Christmas isn;t far off now arghh and any excuse to buy two chockie bars is OK with me had these very YUM!

    Love Dawn xx

  31. that a serious amount of stickles you have there, and green fingered to

  32. yes, I have spares. well sometimes, ran out of herma at 3am two days ago. Nobody nearby stocks it and had to wait for it to arrive in post - note to self - most be more organised!

  33. Great rummage, thank you for the snoop! Have a great woyww

  34. mmmm home grown chillis on pizza - yummy.

  35. ooo I am jeaous of your peppers, I am going to try them next year. I did tomatoes for the first time this year and they are getting huge, but still very green.

    I am a big fan of stickles too, I have them in a little bag and never actually know which colours i have lol

  36. Oh a secret stash, how clever! I got only one of each and I'm always out of something.

    My oldest son would love that choc, he can't get enough of their peanut cups :)


  37. I have two bottles of glue and two of glossy accents , but that's about it..interesting thought - but you won't catch me crafting in the middle of the night either, so probably not a prob! Cor your chillis look great - we tried on of MiL's green ones yesterday - oh boy!!
