Monday, 5 July 2010

Monday - Bex's Prom photos

Happy Monday everyone....Well I promised photo's of my eldest at the prom, and here are a couple.
Bex's date was Tom - she has known him from playgroup - this picture is from 1997 - I have circled Bex and Tom - quite hard to see - Bex is back row, 2nd from the left, and Tom is middle row on the left...Bex will kill me for this photo............and.................
This is them now......make a lovely couple if I do say so.....
God knows how she stands up in those shoes.....and this is her friends from her school year that she went with..........
And lastly another of my lovely daughter - sweet sixteen....
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Love you Bex...
Mum x


  1. She's a real beauty! Loved seeing all of her friends. It is fun to compare Prom dresses, hairstyles and shoes from "across the pond"!

  2. Sarah your piccy's are gorgeous, and your daughter looks beautiful.
    I bought my first pair of really high heels at 16 and could only walk in them when I had someone to hang onto lol.
    X-cut make a pop up butterfly punch the same as mine
    hugs Mandy xx

  3. Hi Sarah wow your daughter is a stunner hun, beautiful girl, lovely piices, they all look stunning, thanks for sharing, hope they all had a lovely time, sue,x

  4. what lovely photos, how grown up and glamourous they all look, sigh to be 16 again, lol. K x

  5. She is beautiful Sarah! I love her dress. My daughter also went to the Prom this year with a fella she was in pre-school with. They were inseperable back then. They grow up so fast! ~jeni :)

  6. Such beautiful photos!! Gorgeous daughter!

  7. OH SO PRETTY! see a young LADY in a dress that actually looks like a DRESS---! So tasteful! She is, by far, the prettiest in the bunch!
