Wednesday, 7 July 2010


So sorry no posting today - took a pic of my desk and then when downloading photo deleted it from my camera without sadly can't join in WOYWW - gutted....and do not have time to do another.........Also no posting on Thurs and Friday as not here - taking Emily to Birmingham to Alexander Stadium for running...two nights away - and I am going to colour- just sorting out my bag with glitters etc I will not be doing a posting till Monday now...
Have a fab weekend everyone - enjoy what ever you do.


  1. Hi Sarah
    aww hun, never mind, hope all goes well for Emily, oh ressies is short for resident to lazy to write it all! lol. have good time hun, sue,x

  2. Have a great 2 days away and I hope Emily does well. (I'm sure she will). :-) xx

  3. Have a fun weekend! Good luck! ~jeni :)

  4. Have a fab time hun & enjoy your colouring, hope Emily gets on o.k.
    Thanks so much for your lovely comment hun, I really appreciate it, your invite for lunch & craft show is sooooooo tempting, I'm definitely going to the next show at the NEC as I've not been there
    hugs Mandy xx
