Tuesday, 19 July 2011


Got a lovely blog award from a fab blogging buddie - Linda - Turtle in the sand - much appreciated hun

Now i have to tell you 7 things about me and pass onto 7 people.....

1. I dog walk every morning at 5am...sad I know.
2. I married my childhood sweetheart - been with hubby since I was 16....
3. I work for the NHS
4. I love marmite and saladcream on toast
5. I hate cheese that is not cooked
6. I want to win the lottery...yeh yeh yeh so does everyone
7. I hate toes.....and knees....well mine anyway

and my 7 people are...now these are blogs I love, that have not got this award already.

Channelle - Angel Whispers
Caroline - Kiss
Lynne - Lynnes Blog

Thanks for popping by


  1. Thanks Sarah.....! And 5 am? YES that IS sad!! LOL
    Christine x

  2. Aww, thanks for thinking of me, Sarah.
    OMG - 5am!! I don't DO mornings lol**
    Caroline xxx

  3. Thank you Sarah!!! What a great surprise after a crabby day. Much appreciated!
    You get up at 5 AM????
    What is the NHS, a Secret Spy Agency??? (Lol...sounds serious)
    Have a great evening ~jeni :)

  4. Hhhmmmm what is salad cream and marmite? I am guessing marmite might be like marmalade. Am I right. One of these days I am going to speak English, just like the English. Ha Ha
